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Banker and Meditation teacher

Bank & Mindfulness

As a banker, former CEO of a banking group with 5,000 employees and honorary professor on the one hand, and as a certified teacher and practitioner of mindfulness and meditation on the other, I connect very different worlds. In my lectures - mostly interactive and with exercises - I build an exciting bridge.

20 years of management experience
  • 8 years Chairman of the Management Board, International Bankholding CEE, Vienna, 5000 employees

  • 2 years Chairman of the Management Board, Spezialbank, Vienna 50 employees

  • 2 years Division Manager, Bank, Hamburg, 200 employees

  • 3 years Member of the Management Board, Bank Consulting, Vienna, 25 employees

  • 5 years team and department manager, Bank, Frankfurt/Berlin

20 years of meditation and mindfulness practice
  • ZEN Meditation

  • Stays in Asia

  • ZEN Leadership School Germany

  • Certified teacher for meditation and mindfulness in Vienna

  • Presencing Foundation Programme Prof. Otto Scharmer, Boston

  • Trainer for Kalapa Leadership Academy, Cologne

  • Mindfulness Retreats for Executives

International Management Practice
  • Co-Founder and Manager "Mindful Finance Institute", Oxford

  • Establishment of a consulting company for banks as a joint venture

  • Restructuring of division, major bank

  • Conception and implementation of a network structure for cooperative banks in Vietnam

  • Repositioning of a specialized bank in Vienna

  • Strategic realignment of Eastern European banking business

  • Integration Holding/Network into international bank

Micro finance & Cooperatives
  • Cooperative practice and theory Training in a credit cooperative in Germany

  • Activities central institutes of the German and Austrian cooperative system

  • GIZ Project "Savings Capital Formation at Cooperatives in Jordan" (in German)

  • Dissertation "Cooperative identity and corporate culture" (German)

  • GIZ-DGRV-Project "Volkskreditkassen in Vietnam" (People's Credit Funds in Vietnam)

  • Chairman of the Board OikocreditFörderverein Austria

Extensive teaching activities
  • Professorship 1996/1997 at Berlin University of Applied Sciences for Banking Management

  • Since 2011 lecturer at the IMC FH Krems for "Corporate Governance" and "CSR

  • Honorary Professor (FH) at IMC FH Krems since 2018

  • Lecturer MBA at University of Commerce Hanoi (for IMC FH Krems)

  • Seminars at Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences Wolfsburg

  • SS 2018 Lecturer at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration for Mindful Management

My book

have a look

Would you like to know more about me?
Feel free to ask, I will be happy to tell you more.

Dr. Friedhelm Boschert

Martinstrasse 143

3400 Klosterneuburg

Tel. 0043/664/8163003

UID: ATU66090419

© 2018 by Friedhelm Boschert

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