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Responsible management for sustainable finance
Brief description
It is not so much the WHAT as the HOW that needs to be changed in order to put the financial sector on an innovative path. Mindfulness is the essential approach for this transformation process. Also to anchor the quality of financial decisions, ethics and sustainability in the corporate culture.
In this way, the industry can find its way back to the core of its value creation - trust.
Target group
Board members, managing directors of banks and insurance companies.
Your benefit
Get to know new perspectives on financial decisions and receive practically sound impulses for the change of leadership and corporate culture. Benefit from experiences from companies. Practical experience of mindfulness.

How neuro science and mindfulness contribute to better financial decision making
Brief description
Neuroscientist Dr Brian Knutson of Stanford University found out that nothing has such a strong impact on people as money. And there are always emotions and values, dreams, expectations and experiences at play. Money and thinking in money is a highly emotional affair," writes the Zukunftsinstitut. In the lecture we will shed light on what we can learn about ourselves from our dealings with money. In order to be able to make financial decisions more clearly, more purposefully and "wiser" in the future.
Mindfulness and brain research help us to do this.
Target group
Customers of banks, employees of banks and insurance companies, the public.
Your benefit
Better understand the background to your own financial decisions. And therefore bette runderstand yourself. Practical hints for a better handling of money. Practical experience of mindfulness. Entertainment.